State of the Church – Sept 2018


This month I am sending out two invitations via this letter. Both are directly related to sharing information about our church, both involve your participation, and both are quite painless (you might even enjoy them!).

Invitation #1
Our Mount Calvary Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 7 at 11:45am and I would like to encourage everyone to attend. This is a great opportunity to get updated on the status of our church and to hear about some of our most recent activities. You will also get to meet your church council members, some of whom joined the council within the past year. If you use any of the church services or contribute in any way, you should plan to join us for this important meeting.

Invitation #2
Each month as I prepare to write my article about the state of the church, I think I should instead be asking the congregation how our church is doing. I never forget that this is your church, and the council and staff are working on your behalf. So, it really is important to ask you … how is the state of the church? Are we providing the programming that you want/need? Are we staffed appropriately to execute our programs? Are there any “gaps” that should be filled? Are we doing the right stuff?

I fully expect that there are not any glaring issues or shortfalls because we have not made any major or controversial changes that would lead to such a situation. But often there are ways we can improve which might not be obvious to those of us on the front lines. We fielded a survey to the entire congregation in 2016 and found that we were doing quite well in most areas, but as expected, we learned that we could do a few things differently and better. These are the “gems” that are so valuable in helping us to continually improve what we do. It might be time soon for another survey, but in the meantime I invite everyone to keep the council informed about the state of our church from your perspective as a member of the congregation. Please reach out to me at with any ideas, comments or suggestions that you would like to share.
Mike Kasprick
Council President